Inside the Mind of Captify’s Product Team: From Innovation to Collaboration
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Inside the Mind of Captify’s Product Team: From Innovation to Collaboration

We recently caught up with Jara A. Masso, Senior Product Manager, and Anthony Ayanwale, Data Scientist to get the inside scoop on all things Product at Captify and some of the exciting innovations they’re working on that are set to revolutionise the industry. 

You’ve both had super exciting careers so far. Tell us the best thing about working in Product.

J: For me, it’s all about the collaboration—it’s incredibly rewarding to witness a product’s evolution from inception to completion, and to learn from the brilliant minds around me.

A: When I contribute to the research and development of Captify’s products, I feel like I’m truly making a difference. Knowing that I’m bringing value to the company makes it all worthwhile.

What do you love most about your roles?

J: What I find particularly rewarding is the chance to be an active participant in the evolution of the industry—using creativity and innovation to drive things forward. It’s a constant learning process but you’re never alone. You collaborate with other teams to face the challenge of creating something unique. And I love a good challenge.

A: I love that I am able to work across both Product and Engineering and be constantly exposed to new things. Interacting with so many different people with such diverse skill sets is really cool.

What’s the most exciting product innovation or project you’ve tackled during this past year?

J: The past year has been jam-packed with exciting projects, but if I had to pick just one, it would have to be the Contextual TV product that I’ve been working on with my team. We’ve been on a mission to revolutionise the way we classify TV content, challenging us to think outside the box and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

A: For me, it would have to be the data partnerships work—watching a product that I built evolve, from a proof of concept into what it is today has been beyond exciting.

If you could describe your team in three words what would they be?

J: Fun. Clever. Supportive.

A: Fun. Adaptable. Personable.

What’s the weirdest or most surprising insight you’ve learned from our data?

J: Search interest surrounding Veganism has gone from 0-100 real quick, quintupling in the last 5 years!

A: Apparently The Real Housewives of Atlanta is hugely popular in Dubai. Who knew a group of women from Atlanta could captivate audiences on the other side of the world?


Whether it’s developing groundbreaking products or driving value through research and development, Captify’s Product team are constantly challenging the status quo to drive real value and innovation for our clients and across the wider industry.

Interested in joining our Product team? Take a look at Captify’s open opportunities here.

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