The Search Intelligence data cloud

It’s fresh. It’s dynamic. It’s updating right this second.

A whole world of search data exists outside of Google and Amazon and only Captify can give brands access to it. Captify harnesses the vast world of first-party onsite search, creating the industry’s only privacy-first onsite search data ecosystemwithout reliance on third-party cookies.


Privacy compliant, intent with consent search data that is both GDPR and CCPA compliant.

Search + context combined

Search data reveals what consumers want, context reveals what they're exploring—Captify uniquely fuses these two worlds together.

From trusted sources

High-quality, high-volume first-party publisher data from premium, ecommerce, vertical, news and entertainment sites, price comparison sites and more.

Dynamic and fresh

A data set that is continually expanding and contracting, refreshing every 5 minutes to keep up with consumer behavior shifts.

Connected and Categorized

With advanced semantic technology, Captify looks beyond single keywords to connect and categorize onsite search data with onsite contextual signals to build audiences.


An expansive world of search data across all verticals and geographies. Captify ingests over 35bn+ monthly search events from 2.3bn devices, collected from over 6m websites.

What’s Captifying
the world right now?

Get ahead with the hindsight, insight and foresight needed to uncover trends before they are trending.