Making Sense of your world.
Search Intelligence at your fingertips

A world-first end-to-end platform that puts Search Intelligence at the fingertips of planners, buyers and traders to uncover unique insights on brands, competitors, audiences, moments and markets. This insight powers advanced audience planning and instant activation to drive superior media performance and efficiency.

Captify’s qualified
audiences drive on average


brand uplift

Differentiated and dynamic data at scale

Build audiences on the fly that are actionable within seconds, and refresh every 5 minutes, all powered by Search Intelligence.

Exploration and discovery of consumer intent

Directly uncover rich, unique insights to make real-time decisions that drive big results.

From intent to instant action

Seamless activation through your DSP at the push of a button.

Search Intelligence in action

Captify’s data, insights and fresh audiences play a crucial role for brands, powering end-to-end strategy and full-funnel execution for every outcome.

What’s Captifying the world right now?

Get ahead with the hindsight, insight and foresight needed to uncover trends before they are trending.